Workshop of the Film Form

Founded by graduates of Lódz Film School in 1970, the Workshop of the Film Form helped define the moving image avant-garde in Poland in the 1970s. The Workshop was a pioneering and highly influential collective that promoted analytical experimentation in all of their multidisciplinary practices. Key members included Kazimierz Bendkowski, Wojciech Bruszewski, Pawel Kwiek, Józef Robakowski, and Ryszard Wasko.   full biography


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1970-74, 60 min, color and b&w, sound, DVD
The Market (Rynek)
1970, 4:21 min, b&w, sound
A Test (Test)
1971, 2:10 min, b&w, sound
Window (Okno)
1972, 8:25 min, color, sound
1,2,3 Operator's Exercise (1,2,3 Cwiczenie Operatorskie)
1972, 7:54 min, color, sound
An Exercise (Cwiczenie)
1972/1973, 4:20 min, b&w, sound
1973, 3 min, b&w, sound
I Am Going (Ide)
1973, 2:35 min, b&w, sound
Negation (Zaprzeczenie)
1973, 4 min, b&w, sound
An Area (Obszar)
1973, 4:43 min, b&w, sound
A-B-C-D-E-F = 1-36
1974, 6:10 min, b&w, sound