KK Queens Survey

KK Queens Survey

Kalup Linzy
2005, 7:20 min, color, sound


In KK Queens Survey, Linzy appears as a New York artist/diva who submits to an outrageous telephone survey on her artistic and personal practices. ("Metaphorically speaking, how many asses have you kissed today?") Employing his signature strategy of voicing multiple characters, Linzy hilariously skewers the absurdities of the contemporary art world.

Debra Singer writes in Artforum, "Linzy's blistering lampoon of art world power dynamics typifies Linzy's trademark mixture of raunchy humor, campy theatricality, sexual intrigue and poignant social commentary." Writing in The New York Times, Holland Cotter adds, "It should be required viewing for all M.F.A. students."

Artist (dinah cole): Kalup Linzy. Artazia: Jayson Keeling. Supervisor: Marko Gage. Artist Assistant 1: Andrew Guenther. Artist Assistant 2: Ellen Altfest. Artist: Susanna Vapnek. Voice Overs: Kalup Linzy. Camera, Lighting: Ilasan Elahi/Kalup Linzy.

Exhibition & Distribution Conditions

This work is available for exhibitions, screenings, and educational rentals. For sales inquiries, please contact the EAI office.