

Kalup Linzy
2006, 3:24 min, b&w, sound


In The New York Times, Roberta Smith writes, "Kalup Linzy's fabulously nuanced (and lip-synched) new video, a collaboration with Shaun Leonardo, restates a vintage blues duet as a gay flirtation." The New York Sun's Deborah Garwood adds, "Messrs. Linzy and Leonardo's evocation of bygone performance styles brings to mind the poignant dance-theater performance politics of Bill T. Jones and Arnie Zane from the 1980s. In their absence, Mr. Linzy provides a welcome link to America's jazz and vaudeville past."

Lollypop (1933) sung by Hunter and Jenkins (Coots Grant and Socks Wilson). Lip sync performed by Shaun Leonardo and Kalup Linzy. Courtesy of the artist.

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This work is available for exhibitions, screenings, and educational rentals. For sales inquiries, please contact the EAI office.