Test Room Containing Multiple Stimuli Known to Elicit Curiosity and Manipulatory Responses and A Dance Incorporating Movements Derived from Experiments by Harry F. Harlow and Choreographed in the Manner of Martha Graham

Test Room Containing Multiple Stimuli Known to Elicit Curiosity and Manipulatory Responses documents Kelley's installation of the same name, in which visitors were invited to enter a caged area and interact with sculptural objects and "parental surrogate objects." Kelley creates a theatrical...

Screened inside Kelley's installation Test Room, this tape brings together several influences, including choreographer Martha Graham, sculptor Isamu Noguchi (who designed the sets for several of Graham's ballets), and scientist Harry F. Harlow, whose 1950s' experiments into the emotional...


Test Room... is a choreographic work that merges movements related to Martha Graham's mythological dance pieces, gestures derived from monkey behavior observed in Harry Harlow's 1960's experiments, and "cathartic" violent behavior evoking the films of psychologist Albert Bandura's studies of the effect of televised violence on preschool children. The dance piece is intercut with actions performed by four actors, including men in gorilla suits.

A Dance... is a black and white version that presents the complete dance piece, minus the other actions.

With: Sonia Kazorov, Kristen Hernstein, Dion Derizzo, David Bicha, Anita Pace, Carl Burkley. Choreography: Anita Pace. Production Supervisor: Patti Podesta. Camera: Robert Elhardt, Greg Kucera (Dance), Lighting Assistant: Derth Adams. Editor: Greg Kucera. Crew: Catherine Sullivan, Cameron Jamie, Abram Boosinger, Joycelyn Shipley (Dance).

Exhibition & Distribution Conditions

In exhibition, "Test Room..." and "A Dance..." must be shown as separate works, preferably with Test Room projected onto a wall as life scale, and A Dance shown on monitor. Please call the EAI office for further details.

Please allow extra lead-in time if you are planning a public screening or exhibition of this title. All requests must be approved in advance before any event can be confirmed. Providing detailed information regarding any installation plans will facilitate this process.