

Seoungho Cho
2008, 7:11 min, color, sound, HD video

The golden, barren landscape of Death Valley, California, recorded by Cho from a moving car, provides the luminous and mysterious texture of Buoy. As the title suggests, this work reflects on the polar extremes of this desert, which was once the floor of a vast sea, now traversed by sight-seeing tourists. In contrast to the horizontal landscape, which floats ceaselessly past Cho's camera, vertical "strata" pattern the imagery, creating an axis between natural landscape and Cho's composition. Cho accumulated his Death Valley footage over several years; the vertical patterning further represents the collapse of this footage into what appears to be a continuous drive through the desert.

A Video Tape by Seoungho Cho. Soundtrack: Stephen Vitiello. Video Camera Assistants: Ki Yoon Park, Young Hwan Park, Death Valley, CA/ 2005, 2007. Producer: Namsik Kim. Studio 90125/2008 Fall/New York.

Exhibition & Distribution Conditions

For screening, exhibition, and museum acquisition inquiries, please contact the EAI office.

This work is HD video and must be shown with a 16:9, HD display.
High-Definition Video Guide