The Star Eaters

2003, 24 min, color, sound

Set against a backdrop of Atlantic City's seedy casinos and dreary off-season hotels, The Star Eaters is a melancholy, non-linear portrait of a woman as she attempts to trace her memories and make sense of her life amidst the faded glamour of the seaside resort. Telling her story in voiceover, the woman drifts through real and remembered relationships that speak to risk-taking and transgression. Ahwesh continues to explore a mix of fictive and documentary styles, with the aim of producing work that she has called "narrative-like."

Acting: Jackie Smith, Alex Auder, Aaron Diskin, Ricardo Dominguez, Lin Gathright, Luke Joerger. Cinematography: Arthur Jafa. Additional Cinematography: Peggy Ahwesh, Aaron Phillips. Sound: Matt Sutton. Art Direction: Madeline Leskin, Anna McLalanahan. Production Assistants: Laura Chipley, Ben Friedman, Dale Cannedy. Text: Frederick and Steven Barthelme, Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot.

Ordering & Fees

Educational Rental
Screening Rental
Digital File
Exhibition Rental
Digital File
Educational Purchase