Kohei Ando

Kohei Ando


Kohei Ando produced experimental films for Shuji Terayama's theater company, Tenjo Sajiki. Using a 16mm camera he purchased with Terayama, Ando produced first film, Oh! My Mother (1968). His works include My Sons (1971), On The Far Side of Twilight (1994), and Whispers of Vermeer (1998). He has won awards at the Hawaii International Film Festival and the Monterey Electronic Cinema Festival.

sort:  a-z | year
1969, 14 min, color, sound
2010, 162 min, color and b&w, sound, DVD
Computer Movie No. 2
1969, 8 min, b&w, sound
Image Modulator
1969, 45 sec, color, sound
Ooi and Environs
1977, 1:30 min, color, sound
1971, 8 min, color, sound
Oh! My Mother
1969, 14 min, color, sound
Camera, Monitor, Frame
1976, 17:15 min, b&w, sound
Hand No. 2
1976, 7:50 min, b&w, silent
Magnetic Scramble
1968, 30 sec, b&w, silent
Under A Bridge
1974, 13 min, b&w, sound
What a Woman Made
1973, 10:50 min, b&w, sound
Kick The World
1974, 15 min, b&w, sound
1972, 1:30 min, b&w, sound
Digest of Video Performance, 1978-1983
1978-1983, 15:35 min, color, sound
Lapse Communication
1972-1980, 16 min, color, sound
Image of Image-Seeing
1973, 11:20 min, b&w, sound
The Recognition Construction: Hyojyutsu (Against Application or Mimesis)
1975, 20 min, color, sound