Planning Process

Planning for any exhibition of computer-based arts must account for the nature and complexity of the works included. Requirements of space, equipment, and source materials, as well as maintenance, upgrades, and de-installation all must be factored into the exhibition timetable.

Because delineations between video and computer-based practices are increasingly blurred, it would be advisable to also look at the Planning Process and Best Practices sections for the exhibition of Single-Channel Video and Media Installation.

Create a Checklist

Permission and Rights

Interview the Artist

Gather Materials

Plan Installation


Install the Work

Bug Testing


Shipping and Dispersal

Create a Checklist

The first step in planning any exhibition is to confirm the availability of the works to be included in the exhibition.

Permission and Rights

Contact the owner of the rights to the media/installation to insure there are no rights conflicts.

Interview the Artist

It cannot be stressed enough that whenever possible it is best practice to communicate with the artist about how best to install a work of art. Request information about installation requirements and elements as soon as possible and then review all aspects of exhibition design and technical details before installation begins.

Gather Materials

Gather all elements of the work and instructions for how these elements relate to one another. This includes source material, equipment, and any other non-electronic elements necessary to install the work.

Plan Installation

Make sure that you have all physical (and virtual) elements of the work a reasonable amount of time before installation begins. To insure that your installation shows the work to its best potential, you must define the requirements for the work in terms of spatial arrangement and sound and light levels. Also important, if the work is interactive in nature, is to insure that the work is accessible to a wide range of knowledge levels.


Source materials and installation requirements will dictate what sort of equipment is necessary. Find out early in the process if there is dedicated equipment that will be shipped with the work or if you will be responsible for obtaining equipment. Visit Equipment & Technical Issues for a detailed review of the equipment that you may need to acquire.

Install the Work

Follow closely any installation instructions and technical requirements laid out in the planning process. It is a good idea to have someone with adequate technical expertise on hand to help the installation run more smoothly.

Bug Testing

Once the work is installed it will be necessary to test it for glitches. Draft detailed notes documenting how to handle any bugs that present themselves.


It is extremely important to document the installation with the following:

  • Schematic diagrams of the equipment, displays and connections.
  • Step-by-step instructions for start up and shut down.
  • Photo and video documentation.

Shipping and Dispersal

Following the close of the exhibition return all copies of the work and any equipment to proper owners.