According to af Petersens, the financial requirement for doing a show of this scale is that it tour to one or several other venues. The venue needs to have space for a show of this size and also needs funds to invest in a show that most likely won't be a blockbuster. However, thanks to McCarthy's international importance as an artist a number of institutions are eager to host an exhibition of his work. Moderna Museet has found at least one touring venue; the details, at the time of the interview included in this case study, were still being negotiated.
Update: Paul McCarthy: Head Shop/Shop Head will tour
to ARos Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark (February 3 - May 6, 2007)
and S.M.A.K., Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Belgium
(October 17, 2007 - February 17, 2008).
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Paul McCarthy Case Study