Title Results

Your search returned 626 Titles

The final installment of the Yonemotos' Soap Opera Series uses the deadpan syntax of television melodrama to tell the story of Sumie, a young Japanese woman who marries an American surfer/filmmaker for the green card that will allow her to pursue her artistic career. Falling prey to the seductive...

Greetings from Amarillo
Chip Lord 
2016, 29:57 min, color, sound, HD video

Guadalcanal Requiem
Nam June Paik with Charlotte Moorman 
1977, re-edited 1979, 28:33 min, color, sound

One of Paik's most overtly political and poignant statements, Guadalcanal Requiem is a performance/documentary collage that confronts history, time, cultural memory and mythology on the site of one of World War II's most devastating battles. Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands is the iconic...

Hack Your Face
2009, 8:40 min, color, HD video

Hail the New Puritan
Charles Atlas 
1985-86, 84:47 min, color, sound, 16 mm film on video

Hail the New Puritan is a simulated day-in-the-life "docufantasy" starring the British dance celebrity Michael Clark. Atlas' fictive portrait of the charismatic choreographer serves as a vivid invocation of the studied decadence of the 1980s post-punk London subculture.

Barbara Hammer
1978, 4:40, color, silent, 16 mm film on HD video

Hand Catching Lead
Richard Serra
1968, 3:15 min, b&w, silent, 16 mm film on HD video

In Hand Catching Lead, Serra’s first film, his right hand is in frame as he tries to catch pieces of lead as they are dropped through the frame. The hand opens and closes as it tries to grasp the falling lead, growing more and more weary with repeated attempts; the strain becomes more evident as...

Hand Dryer
Maggie Lee
2012, 27 sec, color, sound

In Hand Dryer, the artist dries her hands in the bathroom of the Loews Theater in Union Square after a screening of Men in Black III. The camera draws attention to the force and loudness of the dryer.

Hand Lead Fulcrum
Richard Serra
1968, 2:38 min, b&w, silent, 16 mm film on HD video

As in Serra’s other Hand films, Hand Lead Fulcrum involves a task performed in real time and emphasizes the tension of containment within the film frame. In Hand Lead Fulcrum, Serra’s arm functions as a fulcrum while his hand holds a roll of lead at the top of the frame. The weight of the lead...