Title Results

Your search returned 627 Titles

Within Heaven and Hell
Ellen Cantor
1996, 15:52 min, color, sound

Swinging between pleasure and torment, Cantor narrates an autobiographical story of a doomed love affair over scenes from The Sound of Music (Robert Wise, 1965) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Tobe Hooper, 1974).

Without Your Interpretation
Ulysses Jenkins
1984, 13:53 min, color, sound

Women I Love
Barbara Hammer
1976, 22:39 min, color, sound, 16 mm film on video

Women I Love is a series of cameo portraits of the filmmaker's friends and lovers intercut with a playful celebration of fruits and vegetables in nature. Culminating footage evokes a tantric painting of sexuality sustained.

World-Wide-Walks / between earth & sky / AUS
Peter d'Agostino 
2003-2022, 6:31 min, color, sound, HD video

World-Wide-Walks / between earth & sky / MX
Peter d'Agostino 
2007-2023, 5:22 min, color, sound, HD video

World-Wide-Walks / between earth & water / DESERTS
Peter d'Agostino 
2015-2022, 3:18 min, color, sound, HD video

World-Wide-Walks / between earth & water / ICE
Peter d'Agostino 
2014-2022, 5:38 min, color, sound, HD video