Giving Birth: Four Portraits

Giving Birth: Four Portraits

John Reilly and Julie Gustafson
1976, 58:45 min, b&w and color, sound


This documentary opens with the extraordinary image of a woman who has just given birth, her baby carefully resting on her stomach with the umbilical cord still connected. Portraying four different childbirth situations — from midwife-assisted at home to a hospital delivery — Reilly and Gustafson document each woman's individual experience, interview families and healthcare professionals, and speak with Margaret Mead and Frederick LeBoyer. The close-up, verité approach and intimate focus distinguish this pioneering video documentary on domestic politics.

With: Gilbert Berat. Executive Producer: David Loxton. Supervising Engineer/Videotape Editor: John Godfrey. A Production of Global Village in association with the TV Lab at WNET/Thirteen.