Douglas Gordon

Douglas Gordon


Douglas Gordon rose to international prominence in the 1990s, and is widely celebrated for his rigorous conceptual work. Reworking found source materials ranging from the suspense films of Alfred Hitchcock to classic horror literature such as Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Scottish-born Gordon mines the psychological implications of these texts as shared cultural memory. In film projections, video works, performances, photography, and multi-media installations, Gordon reimagines these cultural texts to address notions of self and subjectivity, the knowability of evil, and the ambiguity of morality.

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2003, 13:48 min, color, sound
El Gringo
2003, 4:12 min, color, sound
Le Moment
2003, 2:44 min, color, sound
Over My Shoulder
2003, 13:48 min, color, sound
Blind Spot
2003, 12:27 min, color, sound
2003, 5 min, color, sound
2003, 7:03 min, color, sound
2003, 4:38 min, color, sound
Automatic Writing
2003, 2:38 min, b&w, sound
WGG Test
2003, 5:20 min, color, sound
I Want to See How You See (or a portrait of Cornelia Providoli)
2003, 4:48 min, color, sound
Time After Time
2003, 5:22 min, color, sound