Jean Dupuy

Jean Dupuy


Jean Dupuy started his artistic career as a painter but shifted his practice when he moved from France to New York in 1967. Dupuy experimented with new technologies and was a prominent figure in the Art and Technology movement. In the early 1970s he started performing collectively with New York artists, and became known as an organizer of and participant in downtown performance events.

sort:  a-z | year
1978, 31:07 min, color, sound
1981, 58:06 min, color, sound
Chant a Capella
1978, 31:07 min, color, sound
Difficult Music
1981, 26:59 min, color, sound
1974-75, 55:45 min, b&w, sound
See also
Chant a Capella
Davidson Gigliotti and Jean Dupuy
1978, 31:07 min, color, sound