John Cage

John Cage


One of the most celebrated and iconoclastic figures of the American musical avant-garde, John Cage has been instrumental in reshaping postwar Western music. Cage's radical innovations in compositions and theory — the application of chance and "found" sound as an integral compositional device, the creation of musical structures based on rhythm rather than tonality — were influential in altering traditional concepts of musical interpretation.

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1971, 39:15 min, color, sound
1992, 94 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film on video
1993, 125 min, color, sound
Titles with or about John Cage
1973, 42 min, color, sound
1973, re-edited 1976, 29:02 min, color, sound
1991, 95:55 min, color and b&w, sound
1993, 125 min, color, sound
See also
1973, re-edited 1976, 29:02 min, color, sound
Merce by Merce by Paik
Nam June Paik. In collaboration with Charles Atlas, Merce Cunningham, and Shigeko Kubota
1978, 28:45 min, color, sound
1973, 28:30 min, color, sound
1975, 29:24 min, b&w and color, sound
Video-Film Concert
Nam June Paik and Jud Yalkut
1966-72, 1992, 34:50 min, b&w and color, sound
1966, 49:05, b&w, sound
1991, 95:55 min, color and b&w, sound
1972, 28:27 min, b&w and color, sound
2010, 100:28 min, color, sound
1992, 30:01 min, color and b&w, sound
2008, 25:29 min, color, sound
1964, 20:10 min, b&w, sound
1968, 58:03 min, color, sound
1983, 27:07 min, color, sound
1975-76, 15:38 min, color, sound
1961-94, compiled 2000, 18:37 min, b&w and color, sound