Lynda Benglis

Lynda Benglis


An eminent sculptor and videomaker for more than three decades, Lynda Benglis produced a pioneering body of feminist video in the 1970s. Immediate and visceral, Benglis' video work confronts issues raised by feminist theory, including the representation of women, the role of the spectator, and female sexuality. Benglis also engages the emergent practice of video in an incisive discourse on the production of the moving image.

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1973, 7:28 min, b&w, sound
1973, 14 min, color, sound
1976, 33:45 min, color, sound
1999, 49 min loop, color, sound
1972, 20 min, b&w, sound
1973, 12 min, color, sound
1976, 32 min, color, sound