Maxi Cohen has produced and directed an eclectic range of work for film, video and television. She has also been instrumental in initiating production and distribution systems for independent film and videomakers, and developing cable television as a means of local community expression.
1986, 20 min, color, sound
1976-81, 20:39 min, b&w and color, sound
Happy Birthday, America
1976, 16:03 min, b&w, sound
Cape May: End of the Season
1981, 4:36 min, color, sound
1982, 22:12 min, color, sound
1975, 17:28 min, b&w, sound
1983, 20:15 min, color, sound
1983, 4:22 min, color, sound
1984, 6:13 min, color, sound
1984, 19:07 min, color, sound