Peggy Ahwesh

Peggy Ahwesh


Over the course of her career, Peggy Ahwesh has produced one of the most heterogeneous bodies of work in experimental film and video. A true bricoleur, her tools include narrative and documentary styles, improvised performance, Super-8 film, found footage, digital animation, and Pixelvision video. With playfulness and humor, she investigates cultural and gender identities, the role of the subject, language and representation.

sort:  a-z | year
2000, 4 min, b&w, sound
2007, 7:30 min, color, sound
2009, 8 min, color, sound
1985, 21 min, color, sound, Super 8mm film on HD video
2000-01, 3:53 min, b&w, sound
1989, 19:48 min, color, sound, Super 8mm film on video
1998, 30 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film on video
1993, 16:17 min, color, sound, Super 8mm film on video
2001, 15 min, color, sound
1993, 50 min, b&w, sound
2016, 9:30 min, color, sound, HD video
1994, 10 min, color, sound, 16 mm film on HD video
1989, 35:56 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film on video
2017, 9:30 min, color, sound, HD video
1985-1995, 50 min, color, sound, Super 8mm film on video
1993, 8:16 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film on video
2003, 24 min, color, sound
2007, 8:40 min, color, sound
1997, 20 min, b&w and color, sound, 16 mm film on video
2007, 6 min, color, silent