Richard Serra

Richard Serra


Bear, Liza. "Prisoner's Dilemma" [interview with the artist, January 27, 1974]. Avalanche [New York], no. 9 (May–June 1974): 26–28.

Castelli-Sonnabend Tapes and Films 1, no. 1 (November 1974).

Jonas, Joan, and Richard Serra. "Paul Revere." Artforum 10, no. 1 (September 1971): 65–67.

Michelson, Annette, and Clara Weyergraf. "Richard Serra's Films: An Interview." October, no. 10 (Fall 1979): 68–104.

Richard Serra: Films and Videotapes. Manual, no. 7. Exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland, 2017. Essays by Tom Holert and Maja Naef. Bilingual, German and English. Translation by Nicholas Grindell.

Richard Serra: Writings, Interviews. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. Includes writings by the artist and interviews by Friedrich Teja Bach, Liza Béar, Patricia E. Bickers, Lizzie Borden, Lynne Cooke, Douglas Crimp, Peter Eisenman, Mark Francis, Bernard Lamarche-Vadel, Annette Michelson, Robert C. Morgan, Alfred Pacquement, Brenda Richardson, Mark Rosenthal, Nicholas Serota, David Sylvester, and Clara Weyergraf.

Serra, Richard. "On Frame, on Color-Aid." Artforum 10, no. 1 (September 1971): 64.

Valladares, Carlos. "The Art of Perception: Richard Serra's Films.” Gagosian Quarterly, September 10, 2019: 34-40.