The Kitchen Archives

The Kitchen Archives


Alfons Schilling, Woody Vasulka January 4, 1972
3-D Binocular Vision/"14 Street-Out" by Alfons Schilling and Woody Vasulka (January 4, 1972)

This black and white poster announces 3-D Binocular Vision/ "14 Street-Out," a "stereo-slide show" by Alfons Schilling, with live sound by Woody Vasulka.

Program Notes
The Kitchen Dec 31, 1969

White, Black, Red & Yellow: Shigeko Kubota, Mary Lucier, Cecilia Sandoval, Charlotte Warren: Program Notes (December 16, 1972)

This one-page typed program announces an evening of performances and video screenings at The Kitchen by the women's collective White, Black, Red & Yellow.

Dec 31, 1969

Video Moirés and Selected Shorts: An Evening of Howard Hirsch Visuals (March 29, 1973)

This graphic black and white poster announces an "Evening of Howard Hirsch Visuals" at The Kitchen.

Dec 31, 1969

Video Concert: Alan Powell, Laurie McDonald, Dennis Hlynsky (March 31, 1973)

This black and white poster presents a "video concert" by Alan Powell, Laurie McDonald and Dennis Hlynsky.

Dec 31, 1969

Ron Hays Video Imagery: Impressions of Music & Dreams (May 5, 1973)

This poster announces a screening of tapes by Ron Hays, created using the Paik-Abe video synthesizer.

February 12-14, 1974

Juan Downey: Video Transamericas (February 12-14, 1974)

This poster announces a video work on multi-channel systems by Juan Downey, presented together with a dance performance by Carmen Beuchat, Suzi Harris, Missie Zollo and Gregorio Fassler.

Articles and Essays
New York Times
John J. O'Connor Dec 31, 1969

John J. O'Connor, "What Hath The Underground Wrought?" New York Times (June 4, 1972)

New York Times television critic John J. O'Connor discusses the Kitchen's 8-monitor installation of The Continuing Story of Carel and Ferd by San Francisco collective Video Free America.

Articles and Essays
New York Times
John Rockwell Dec 31, 1969

John Rockwell, "Multimedia Concert at Kitchen Proves Less Than Success." New York Times (February 20, 1973)

The reviewer is unimpressed by the February 1973 concert at The Kitchen; he discusses Charlotte Moorman's performance, Yoshi Wada's musical performance, and Nam June Paik'sscreening of Japanese commercials

Cooks in the Kitchen I: Early Personnel. From left to right: Dimitri Devyatkin, Shridhar Bapat, Rhys Chatham and Steina Vasulka. The Kitchen, Mercer Arts Center, 1972.

Cooks in the Kitchen II: Early Kitchen Personnel. From left to right: Dimitri Devyatkin, Woody Vasulka, Rhys Chatham and Steina Vasulka. The Kitchen, Mercer Arts Center, 1972.


The Kitchen during the Intermission, Tom Johnson and Rhys Chatham in the Kitchen, Mercer Arts Center, 1972.

Ben Tatti
Electronic Imagery, Colorized in Real Time, Ben Tatti Installation at The Kitchen, May 18, 1972. Photograph by Ben Tatti.
Steina in the Kitchen, Steina videomaking at the Kitchen, 1972.
Robert Stearns 1972
Legend: an Operatic Notion for Quartet, Percussion and Winds, performance at the Kitchen's Mercer Street location (1972). Photograph by Robert Stearns (1972).
Dec 31, 1969
"Women Back in the Kitchen!": Poster for benefit event at The Kitchen
(March 4, 1973)

This is a poster for a benefit video screening for the Women's Interart Center, held at The Kitchen in March 1973.

Articles and Essays
John Rockwell Dec 31, 1969
Included in A Kinetic History: The EAI Archives Online, Sponsored Projects, Computer Art Festivals.
John Rockwell reports from the second Monday's events of the first International Computer Art Festival, discussing works by Charles Dodge, Dimitri Devyatkin, Gary Nelson, Lillian Schwartz, Ed Emshwiller, and Alison Knowles.
Press Release
Dec 31, 1969
Press Release Letter (March 24, 1973)

This press release announces six performances by the Midnight Opera Company, held at the Kitchen from April 26-28, 1973. The following musicians are participating: Sam Burtis, Larry Chaplan, Buncey Devyatkin, Dimitri Devyatkin, Wayne Dockery, Joe Ferguson, Butch Jones, Michael Tschudin, Steina Vasulka and Chip White. In addition to the music there will be a visual rear screen projection by Pablo Lights and video and electronic images by Shrihdar Bapat, the Cooks, Dimitri Devyatkin, the Vasulkas and Jane and Walter Wright.

Press Release
Dec 31, 1969
Press Release Letter (May 1, 1973)

In this press release the Midnight Opera Company announces that there will be a live video event with music on May 19.

Press Release
September 1972
Women's Video Festival: Press Release
(September 14-30, 1972)

This alternate-version press release for the 1972 Women's Video Festival presents a list of the participating artists.

Program Notes
September 1972
Women's Video Festival: Program
(September 14-30, 1972)

This one-page document includes the program and calendar for the first Women's Video Festival, held at The Kitchen from September 14-30, 1972.