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Ulysses Jenkins: Artist Talk and Screening

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)
535 West 22nd Street 5th Floor
Thursday, March 22nd, 2018 7:00 PM


Dream City
Ulysses Jenkins
1983, 5:23 min, color, sound

A video companion to a twenty-four hour group performance organized by Jenkins, Dream City collages live music, poetry, and dance into a pulsating kaleidoscope of color and sound. Frequent Jenkins collaborators Maren Hassinger, Senga Nengudi, and David Hammons appear, as do snippets of chess...

Planet X
Ulysses Jenkins
2006, 6:20 min, color, sound

Writes Jenkins: "This video takes the 'Planet X' myth and interfaces it with the Katrina tragedy in New Orleans, LA, based upon their similar natural disaster principles. With a proclamation of prophecy spoken by avant garde jazz musician, Sun Ra, predicting a coming disaster to African-Americans."

Two-Zone Transfer
Ulysses Jenkins
1979, 23:53 min, color, sound

Featuring performances from Jenkins's fellow Otis Art Institute classmates Greg Pitts, Ronnie Nichols, Roger Trammell, and Kerry James Marshall, Two-Zone Transfer depicts, in Jenkins's words, a "dreamscape in which the dreamer awakens to a visitation of three minstrels who tell the story of the development of African American stereotypes in the American entertainment industry."