Horror and humor merge in Condit's incredulous, wide-eyed narration of a bizarre and lurid tale, which unfolds as a subterranean nightmare of male/female relationships. Condit's account of her discovery that her boyfriend had killed his former girlfriend and hidden the mummified body in their...
A magical bone that promises eternal life propels the story of Not a Jealous Bone, a post-Freudian fairy tale in the guise of a musical narrative. An eighty-two-year-old woman in search of her mother and a beautiful young woman struggle over the life-extending magic bone. Condit holds an...
Possibly in Michigan is an operatic fairy tale of cannibalism, desire and dread in Middle America, a densely collaged narrative in which Beauty meets the Beast in the surreal landscape of shopping-mall suburbia. Two women with a penchant for "violence and perfume" take revenge on their...
Condit writes: "We Were Hardly More Than Children tells an epic tale of bloodshed as lived by two women on a perilous journey through a world that has little concern for their survival."