Cooking with the Erotic plays off of Audre Lorde’s seminal speech “The Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power” (1978) as a point of departure for an imaginary cooking show starring Harris-Babou and her mother. Framing visceral, messy, food scenes with studio lighting and HD video, the work asks questions about the relationship between intimacy and consumption.
In Decision Fatigue Harris-Babou’s mother stages an intimate, absurd, occasionally painful makeup tutorial tracing the choices she has made in her life, both large and small, to hold onto youth and remain well.
Reparation Hardware takes up the call of its title as a proposal for the delivery of reparations to Black Americans while utilizing the form of a furniture restoration tutorial to deliver its message. Playing the role of furniture designer finding inspiration in a rustic American landscape, Ilana Harris-Babou examines the impulse to rewrite history with the help of tastefully refurbished antiques.