
The New Television: Video After Television: Book Launch

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)
264 Canal St #3W Manhattan, NY 10013
October 18th, 2024, 7:00pm


EAI is thrilled to celebrate the release of our forthcoming publication, The New Television: Video After Television.

Published with no place press, our new publication pairs a facsimilie edition of the publication The New Television, a compendium of papers presented at the convening Open Circuits: An International Conference on the Future of Television held at MoMA in 1974, with newly commissioned papers by over a dozen authors, roundtables moderated by Ina Blom and Michelle Kuo, and previously unpublished archival materials from the original conference. The publication illuminates institutional histories of video art, considers global televisual contexts and alternative critical approaches, and examines contemporary video art and its continued relevance from new perspectives. Remarks by Rebecca Cleman and Rachel Churner.

If you have any accessibility needs or questions about our access plans for this event, please contact cstrange@eai.org. We can accommodate requests for ASL interpretation up to two weeks prior to October 17. This event will have HEPA filters on-site, provided by Artists in Resistance NYC. Accommodations are supported by NYU Center for Disability Studies.