Anxious Automation


Anxious Automation, taped at Windsor Total Video in New York City, is set up such that two camerapeople, standing slightly apart, zoom in and out on Joan Jonas, who is lying on her back performing a series of four movements that range from slow to quick. There are six variations on the zoom between the two cameras: the zoom held at its closest extent: at its farthest extent; the cameras in opposition to each other; and two simultaneous zooms in or out. Richard Serra, in the control booth, operates a special effects generator in switching or “punching” rapidly between the two camera images. The soundtrack is by Philip Glass, who taps the microphone out of sync with the movement. When the movement is slow, he taps quickly and vice versa. Thus, the tapping is in the relation of 1-4, 4-1, 2-3, and 3-2. The entire tape lasts two minutes but the end is cut off and the tape replayed from the beginning. The only edit exists between the first and second run.