Tony Conrad, Mike Kelley
1980-83, 26 min, color, sound


Writes Kelley: "BEHOLDEN TO VICTORY is an edited video version of the full-length super-8 film Hail the Fallen. It is a 'war movie' genre picture. This film is normally presented in an active way — the act of screening the film is theatricalized by requiring the audience to wear costumes, and penalizing them if they refuse to do so. The film was not directed in the traditional sense. There was no script. The actors were required to play as in a game - to follow certain rules, or to be more precise, to follow certain restrictions. They were told only what they were NOT ALLOWED TO DO. Thus the film consists of a series of scenes, of examples of correct behavior."

Director: Tony Conrad. Director of Photography: Barbara Broughel. Facilities/Staff Help: Visual Arts Dept., Media Center, Material Distribution Division -- UCSD, Media Study/Buffalo.

Exhibition & Distribution Conditions

Please allow extra lead-in time if you are planning a public screening or exhibition of this title. All requests must be approved in advance before any event can be confirmed. Providing detailed information regarding any installation plans will facilitate this process.