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Coast of Cape Ann/ Ecochannel Design

Paul Ryan
1985-86, 50:49 min, color, sound
Coast of Cape Ann
Paul Ryan 
1985, 17:21 min, color, sound

A percepual exploration of the Massachusetts coastline, in which Ryan uses reverse color and negative imaging to abstract and formally examine the environment.

Ecochannel Design
Paul Ryan 
1985-86, 33:28 min, color, sound

In Ecochannel Design, Ryan presents a blueprint for a television channel designed to monitor the ecology of a particular site. As part of the overall project, Ryan includes proposals for inspecting the Hudson River estuary at regualar intervasls to convey a sense of the cyclical nature of the...


Coast of Cape Ann is a perceptual exploration of the Massachusetts coastline, in which Ryan uses reverse color and negative imaging to abstract and formally examine the environment. Using the Hudson River basin as a foundation for his study, Ryan presents a blueprint for a television channel designed to monitor the ecology of a particular site in Ecochannel Design. As part of the overall project, Ryan includes proposals for inspecting the Hudson River estuary at regular intervals to convey a sense of the cyclical nature of the environment.