“Melange is a videodance by Merce Cunningham and filmmaker Charles Atlas, created over September 30 - October 2, 1999 during the filming of Atlas’ documentary Merce Cunningham: A Lifetime of Dance.
“The videodance comprises a series of excerpts that alternate between the austere/minimal geometric spaces of INA Studios, Brysur-Marne, and the urban industrial landscape outside Les Frigos, an artists’ squat-turned-contemporary arts complex in Paris’ 13th Arrondissement. The scenes feature choreography that would later be incorporated into Cunningham’s dance titled Interscape (2000). The music likewise comprises selections from environmental sound recordings materials recorded for John Cage’s Instances of Silence (1982).” — Merce Cunningham Trust
Choreography: Merce Cunningham. Music: John Cage. Costumes: Suzanne Gallo. With the participation of The Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Dancers: Cédric Andrieux, Lisa Boudreau, Thomas Caley, Holley Farmer, Maydelle Fason, Jean Freebury, David Kulick, Koji Mizuta, Matthew Mohr, Banu Ogan, Daniel Squire, Jeannie Steele, Derry Swan, Robert Swinton, Cheryl Therrien. The Cunningham Dance Foundation Executive Director: Sheldon Schwartz. Company Manager: Trevor Carlson. Stage Manager: Will Knapp. Assistant to the Choreographer: Robert Swinston. Assistant Company Manager: David Pini. Coordination Artservice International: Benedicte Pesle, Julie George. Assistant Director: Martine Robert. Editing: Gsetan Le Martelot. Photography: Jacques Pamart, Jacques Gaudin. Sound: Anne Louis, Pascal Rousselle. Lighting: Claude Pezet, Bernard Maupin, Patrice Weyland. Grips: Edouard Mazzocchi, Christian Pluyaud. Construction: Jean-Claude Massoule, Antoine Crosse, Michel Renaud, Michel Merlin, Jean Verbracker, Hamza Kacimi. Makeup: Michéke Carnintrand. On-line Editing: Daniel Ricard, Stéphanie Mée. Color Correction: Giovanni Zimolo. Sound Mix: Corinne Gigon, Laurent Thomas. Stills: Patrick Bensard, Nicole Bouron. Production Manager: Liane Willemont. Assisted by Aline Sasson. A Co-production: La Sept Arte, Unité de programmes Spectacles, Gabrielle Babin Gugenheim. Producer: Isabelle Mestre, INA, B.B.C. Executive Producer: Bob Lockyer, Thirteen/WNET, N.P.S., with the participation of Centre National de la Cinematographie. Executive Production: Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, Directopm des Programmes de Création: Dana Hastier. Executive Producer: Sylvie Blum. Thanks Jean-René de Fleurieu, D.C.A. Philippe Decoufle, Lahlou Benamirouche, Cinémathéque de la Danse, Nicolas Villodre, Laura Kuhn. Directed by Charles Atlas © La Sept ARTE-INA-BBC-Thirteen/WNET-NPS- 2000
La Sept ARTE, INA, BBC, Thirteen/WNET, N.P.S.
A videodance by Charles Atlas and Merce Cunningham
Choreography: Merce Cunningham
Music: John Cage
Costumes: Suzanne gallo
With the participation of The Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Dancers: Cedric Andrieux, Lisa Boudreau, Thomas Caley, Holley Farmer, Maydelle Fson, Jean Freebury, David Kulick, Koji Minato, Matthew Mohr, Banu Ogan, Daniel Squire, Jeannie Steele, Derry Swan, Robert Swinston, and Cheryl Therrien
For The Cunningham Dance Foundation
Executive Director: Sheldon Schwartz
Company Manager: Trevor Carlson
Stage Manager: Will Knapp
Assistant to the Choreographer: Robert Swinston
Assistant Company Manager: David Pini
Coordination: Artservice International, Benedicte Pesle, and Julie George
Assistant Director: Martine Robert
Editing: Gaetan Le Martelot
Photography: Jacques Pamart, and Jacques Gaudin
Sound: Anne Louis, and Pascal Rousselle
Lighting: Claude Pezet, Bernard Maupin, and Patrice Weyland
Grips: Edouard Mazzocchi, and Christian Pluyaud
Construction: Jean-Claude Massoule, Antoine Crosse, Michel Renaud, Michel Merlin, Jean Verbracker, and Hamza Kacmi
Makeup: Michele Carmintrand
On-line Editing: Daniel Ricard, and Stephanie Mee
Color Correction: Giovanni Zimolo
Sound Mix: Corinne Gigon, and Laurent Thomas
Stills: Patrick Bensard, and Nicole Bouron
Production Manager: Liane Willemont Assisted by Aline Sasson
A Co-production: La Sept ARTE, Unite de programmes Spectacles, Gabrielle Babin Gugenheim,
Producer: Isabelle Mestre, INA, BBC, Executive Producer: Bob Lockyer
Thirteen/WNET, N.P.S.
With the participation of Centre National De La Cinematographie
Executive Production: Institut National de L?Audiovisuel Direction des Programmes de Creation Dana Hastier
Executive Producer: Sylvie Blum
Thanks: Jean-Rene de Fleurieu, D.C.A. Philippe Decoufle, Lahiou Benamirouche, Cinematheque de la Danse, Nicholas Villodre, and Laura Kuhn
Directed by Charles Atlas
© La Sept ARTE-INA-BBC-Thirteen/WNET/NPS-2000