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Relays That Destroy Instants

Ken Feingold
1981-83, 35:15 min, color, sound
Scattered Witness
Ken Feingold
1982, 2:40 min, color, sound

Ken Feingold
1983, 42 sec, color, sound

Ken Feingold
1981, 9:19 min, color, sound

Region of Extreme Examples
Ken Feingold
1981, 8:23 min, color, sound

New Building Under the Water
Ken Feingold
1982, 11:38 min, color, sound


Here Feingold utilizes the devices of condensation, repetition and displacement to analyze sequences of media images. Appropriating and restructuring footage from television news broadcasts, he orders image sequences of war, starvation, brutality and death in an attempt to "map myself, my subjects, and the processes of creation, decay and dissolution of the world within this `spectacle' of media information." Feingold escalates the intensity of imagery until the final segment, in which he releases the tension with a sequence of ocean waves, "an open-ended dream which embraces many possibilities, both in its lyricism and in its opening out of `the media' into the world."