This short documentary presents an overview of those works by Robert Smithson that involved the pouring of viscous substances such as glue, asphalt and cement. A voiceover commentary by the artist helps explain some of his specific concerns in making these works, as well as elucidating his more general interests in entropy, geologic time, anti-form, the use of industrial materials, and the positioning of the artwork in the land as opposed to the gallery.
Director: Jane Crawford. Producer: Robert Fiore. Editor: Alex Gunuey.
Glue Pour (1969) for the exhibition: " 955,000," Vancouver Art Gallery, British Columbia, Canada. Curator: Lucy Lippard. Photography: Robert Smithson, Lucy Lippard, Nancy Holt. Audio track from an interview by Allison Sky.
Concrete Pour (1969) for the exhibition "Art By Telephone," Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois. Curator: Jan van der Maarck.
Asphalt Rundown (1969) Sponsored by Fabio Sargentini, Lattico Gallery, Rome, Italy. Cinematography: Nancy Holt. Audio track from an interview by Allison Sky. With special thanks: Maggie Gilchrist, Curator, International Program; Marie-Sophie Boulan; James Lingwood; Bernard Blistere, Director Galeries Contemporaines des Musees de Marseilles.
A Persistent Pictures production.
In exhibition, this work should be presented in a cinematic situation, i.e. a projection contained in its own room, preferably projected onto a screen, in a black box gallery, with seating provided, and posted start times. Please contact the office for further information.
Projection Installation Checklist & Guidelines