Slow Angle Walk (Beckett Walk)

Slow Angle Walk (Beckett Walk)

Bruce Nauman
1968, 60 min, b&w, sound


A fixed camera turned on its side records Nauman repeating for nearly an hour a laborious sequence of body movements inspired by passages in works by Samuel Beckett that describe similarly repetitive and meaningless activities. Hands clasped behind his back, he kicks one leg up at a right angle to his body, pivots forty-five degrees, falls forward hard with a thumping noise, extends the rear leg again at a right angle behind, and begins the sequence again. As in many of his fixed-camera film and video works, parts of Nauman's body disappear from the frame as he moves close to the camera; occasionally, he walks off-screen completely while the sound of his footsteps continues on the sound tracks.

Exhibition & Distribution Conditions

In exhibition, this title must be presented on a monitor. Please contact the EAI office for recommendations of monitor types. Sound must be played through speakers. Headphones are not permitted.