"TV as a Creative Medium" attracted interest from critics, scholars, artists and the general public when it opened May 17, 1969. Provocative in tone and presentation, it actively engaged the critical discourses on cybernetics and communication theory at play during the postwar period. The following articles and reviews were published on the occasion of this landmark exhibition. Full versions of these texts may be viewed by clicking on the appropriate link.
A key figure in the documentation of early video history, Yalkut peppers his review with quotes from participating artists and describes many of the pieces included in Wise's exhibition.
This press document for the Howard Wise Gallery contains clippings of several reviews printed in The Village Voice, The New York Times, New York magazine, and The Jersey Journal.
Designating television as the "preoccupier of youth," this article emphasizes the generation gap between the magazine's readership and Wise's participating artists.
Detailing the work of Paik, Seery, and Tadlock, Skidmore suggests that television, as the "new art form," might lead to the revitalization of cable programming.