Robert Smithson

Robert Smithson


Robert Smithson is recognized as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Smithson, who was born in 1938 and died in 1973, was a seminal figure in the art form that became known as earthworks or land art. He radically redefined notions of sculpture through his writings and projects. Among his most important and well-known works are Spiral Jetty (1970), a monumental earthwork located in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, and Partially Buried Woodshed (1970) at Kent State University in Ohio. Smithson's critical writings have had an equally profound impact on contemporary art and theory.

sort:  a-z | year
1969, 22 min, b&w, sound
1968-2004, 19:54 min, color, sound
1970, 35 min, color, sound, 16 mm film on video
1971, 6 min, color, sound, 16 mm film on video
Titles with or about Robert Smithson
1994, 12 min, color, sound
2004, 22 min, color, sound
See also
1973-2013, 31:52 min, color, sound