Stuart Sherman: Program 3

Stuart Sherman: Program 3

Stuart Sherman
1994, 5:45 min, color, sound
Stuart Sherman
1994, 3:47 min, color, sound

"All the news that's fit to eat." — Stuart Sherman

Holy Bible
Stuart Sherman
1994, 3:25 min, color, sound

"For now I see through glasses, blindly. But then..." — Stuart Sherman

Ah Choo!
Stuart Sherman
1994, 39 sec, color, sound

"Wake up and smell the hole in the wall!" — Stuart Sherman


These selections of later video works by Stuart Sherman, produced in the 1990s, continue Sherman's idiomatic manipulations of everyday objects and situations. Throughout his artistic career, Sherman never limited himself to any one art form, and these works show his agility in adapting his practice to the unique syntax of video. Though he makes use of direct camera addresses and basic video editing, the conceptual witticism of his minimalist Spectacles performances is evident, as it is in his own poetic written encapsulations of each work.